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The Idea behind Elite Masters of Beauty was created by licensed cosmetologist Alicia Imani, known in the social media circuit as "Master" she has proven to have mastered the art of making women look phenomenal.  "The name itself either raises eyebrows or makes you laugh, but it's always memorable" she says. Now the Idea of calling someone master doesnt quite sit well with most people. but she assures us that she's no ones owner and theres space in her empire for plenty more masters....

 Miss Master obtained her cosmetology lisc. when she was 17, barely out of high school, and had been working in salons as an assistant since she was 13. Its evident that this is the Industry God had intended for her to flourish. Specializing in flawlessly flowing natural hair iron-outs and natural looking weaves, Miss Master prides herself on being/becoming a beauty expert. "Im always researching products and ingredients, Im very inquisitive inside and outside of the workplace" She jokes,  "I'm Always offering my advice to people in the beauty supply store even when they dont ask, Im like Yea that product is great I use it all the time!" But if you like what she does with a flat iron you should see what she does with a makeup brush! You may have seen what this woman can do to an eyebrow! Working for companies such as the Mega-Retailers Macy's and for companies like Sephora and Clinique taught her to perfect her technique on any ethnicity as well as a strong product knowledge.  She can have your Face Beat and Hair snatched.  


The Elite Life is more than a Salon, its a brand name, Its a movement! Elite Masters of Beauty was created to be the begining steps of a conglomerate empire. Specializing in just about anything under the beauty, and urban fashions umbrella. Elite studios was meant to offer everyone a little piece of luxury. 

Down its unique concierge service, which for a suitable monthly fee offers your own personal concierge who makes it their job to tend to your hair, makeup, skincare or fashion needs at little to stress to you. These services are offered only to Elite Mob Members or "Mobsters" . M.O.B standing for Masters of Beauty. Whether you chose to join the mob or just be a very loyal client Elite studios has a place on the throne for you. 


The Few, The Fortunate, The ELITE. 

Dying to Know More?

Behind the Crown.....

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